Take your “Chances” and Stump Alysha!
Alysha hosts trivia every week and spends her free time nerding out (aka reading a lot). Brad is committed to finding someone to beat her at her own game!
It’s a trivia showdown: Brad asks the contestant 5 questions while Alysha is out of the room, then brings Alysha back in to answer the same questions. Best score wins. Ties go to the house (aka Alysha). Stump Alysha and you will win 4 entrée vouchers to Longshots Lounge and $75 each in free play to Chances Casino Kelowna! Because Chances knows it’s not an easy feat, they are also awarding one “Lucky Loser” $80 in free play and $20 long shots lounge “bucks” to drown your sorrows!
Think you’ve got what it takes? Listen for your chance to call in and win! Go head to head with the Trivia Queen – weekday mornings at 7:30am with Brad & Alysha!