Now in its fourth year, the RIH Foundation’s Radiothon raises funds for priority equipment and patient care items. Radio NL will be onsite all day, broadcasting live from the hospital. 97.5 and 103.1 FM will also host their morning shows from the hospital. This year, our fundraising efforts will focus on a variety of areas of the hospital. Some of the departments/equipment we’re fundraising for include: Pediatrics (baby bassinets, resuscitation carts); Intensive Care Unit (cardiac cooling unit, blood gas analysers) and Ambulatory Care Unit (Scopeguide). More detailed equipment info on the following pages.
Throughout the day, the broadcasters will be interviewing doctors, staff, grateful patients and supporters with the hope of encouraging listeners to call in and donate. We will have volunteers answering the phones and accepting these donations. Many of these interviews are recorded in advance of the event while others are done live for those who are available that day or already onsite at RIH.
To Donate:
Call in: 250-851-8821
Text to Donate: text RIHF to 30333 ($20 donation)
Donate online at:
Payment methods: credit card over the phone OR pledge donation amount and mail in cheque
One time donations OR sign up for monthly giving as little as $5/month and show your support all year long.
Donate $120+ OR sign up to donate $10+/month and receive a RIH Foundation canvas bag.
Presenting Sponsor: Suncountry Toyota
On Location Sponsors: BCLC and Chances Casino
½ Day Morning Sponsor: Davis Wealth Management
½ Day Afternoon Sponsor: Valley First
Social Media Sponsor: Petland
Hourly Sponsors: KPMG, Berwick on the Park (2 hours), HUB International Insurance Brokers, RBC Royal Bank
Friends: McDonalds Restaurants of Kamloops/Merritt, TELUS, Terracom Systems, Lisa Novak Photography, Alpha Omega Productions
Radiothon 2018 Overview :
Please note that although we have selected some specific equipment/departments to highlight, we are
fundraising for departments throughout the hospital including the Emergency Department, Cancer Care,
Cardiac Care, Renal Program, Operating Room, Mental Health and more. Donors can direct donations however
they choose to.
Maternity, Pediatrics & Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Bassinets - $4,000 each
Current ones over 15 years old
15-20 new ones needed throughout hospital
Designed to fit snugly next to mother’s bed-height adjustable
Every baby born at RIH requires a bassinet
NICU/Labour & Delivery/Maternity Resuscitation Carts - $4000 each x 3
Used in emergency situations when a baby/child requires resuscitation
Current carts are not lockable
New ones need to be secure to ensure supplies aren’t misplaced or go missing
Always needs to be full-stocked in case of a code call
Bilichek Meters $11,000 each x 2 – Maternity & Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
The BiliChek is a non-invasive, transcutaneous bilirubinometer that assesses the risk
of hyperbilirubinemia (newborn baby jaundice) in newborns. Using light instead of a
needle, it allows you to easily measure serum bilirubin levels.
No need poke for the baby; less stressful for the parents
Pediatric Department Re-Location - $250,000 project goal
Pediatric department at RIH is going to be moved to the 3rd floor (currently on the 5th floor)
New location will be better aligned with other family care offered at RIH including NICU, Maternity and
Labour & Delivery
Easier for staff to communicate and see patients all in area of the hospital
5th Floor will be converted to adult floor which increases hospital capacity due to floor layout/space
Cardiac Cooling Unit (Thermogard): $45,000 - Intensive Care Unit
The hyper-hypothermia system offers simple programmable body temperature regulation while still keeping the control in the hands of the caregiver. Its innovative gradient program minimizes fluctuations in water temperature and maintains a stable patient temperature.
Trials demonstrate significant clinical benefit in patients receiving therapeutic hypothermia (TH) after cardiac arrest.
Dr. Tim Schmidt, Head of the ICU, can speak about this equipment
Blood Gas Analyser $11,000 each x 2 – Intensive Care Unit
A blood gas test measures the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. It
may also be used to determine the pH of the blood, or how acidic it is
Currently there can be a delay in getting blood gas results through the lab
New Blood Gas Analysers will be used for ICU patients only at the bedside
Need results urgently which directly effect how patients are ventilated and treated.
Patients are set up on ventilators then blood gases are measured; results used to
adjust vents accordingly. Ventilator job is to make sure oxygen, carbon dioxide and
pH are all the same as if patient was breathing normally.
Other Priority Equipment:
Wound Vac Machines $10,000 each x 2 (in hospital and community clinic)
Vacuum-assisted closure of a wound is a type of therapy to help wounds heal. It’s also known as wound VAC. During the treatment, a device decreases air pressure on the wound. This can help the wound heal more quickly. The gases in the air around us put pressure on the surface of our bodies. A wound vacuum device removes this pressure over the area of the wound. This can help a wound heal in several ways. It can gently pull fluid from the wound over time. This can reduce swelling, and may help clean the wound and remove bacteria. A wound VAC also helps pull the edges of the wound together. And it may stimulate the growth of new tissue that helps the wound close. Sue Gardner-Clark (Health Services Director) and Dr. Elizabeth Parfitt can both speak to Wound Vac machines
ScopeGuide $65,000 - Ambulatory Care Unit
Provides a real-time 3D representation of the shape and position of the
endoscope inside the body, it is designed to increase patient comfort
during a colonoscopy or an enteroscopy.
Dr. Joel Emery, Gastroenterologist can speak to this